在各个线程间是共享的,所以在对共享的资源进行读写时,需要有同步机制来确保线程安全;然而有一种多线程下的编程方式,可以使得全局变量或静态变量只对单个线程可见,而对其它线程不可见,这就是Thread Local Storage
Thread Local Storage 维基百科
上对Thread Local Storage的解释如下:
Thread-local storage (TLS) is a computer programming method that uses static or global memory local to a thread.
线程局部存储(TLS)是一个后来者, 产生于多线程概念之后.而在软件发展的早期, 全局变量经常用在库函数中, 用于存储全局信息, 比如errno, 多线程程序产生之后, 全局变量errno就成为所有线程都共享的一个变量, 而实际上, 每个线程都想维护一份自己的errno, 隔离于其他线程.这个时候, 没人愿意去修改库函数的接口. 于是线程局部存储就诞生了, 它主要是为了避免多个线程同时访存同一全局变量或者静态变量时所导致的冲突,尤其是多个线程同时需要修改这一变量时,而这些变量逻辑上又可以在各个线程中独立,也就是说线程并不共享这些变量。
TLS简单使用 C语言实现 编写如下一段程序:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 #define _MULTI_THREADED #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> __thread int TLS_data1; __thread int TLS_data2; #define NUMTHREADS 4 void *theThread (void *a) { int arg = *(int *)a; printf ("Thread %lu before change: arg:%d TLS data=%d %d\n" , pthread_self(), arg, TLS_data1, TLS_data2); TLS_data1 = arg; TLS_data2 = arg +1 ; printf ("Thread %lu after change: arg:%d TLS data=%d %d\n" , pthread_self(), arg, TLS_data1, TLS_data2); return NULL ; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { pthread_t thread[NUMTHREADS]; int rc = 0 ; int i; int ar[NUMTHREADS]; printf ("Enter Testcase - %s\n" , argv[0 ]); printf ("Create/start threads\n" ); for (i = 0 ; i < NUMTHREADS; i++) { ar[i] = i; rc = pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL , theThread, &ar[i]); } printf ("Wait for the threads to complete, and release their resources\n" ); for (i = 0 ; i < NUMTHREADS; i++) { rc = pthread_join(thread[i], NULL ); } printf ("Main completed\n" ); return 0 ; }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Create/start threads Thread 139919563978496 before change: arg:0 TLS data=0 0 Thread 139919563978496 after change: arg:0 TLS data=0 1 Thread 139919547193088 before change: arg:2 TLS data=0 0 Thread 139919547193088 after change: arg:2 TLS data=2 3 Wait for the threads to complete, and release their resources Thread 139919538800384 before change: arg:3 TLS data=0 0 Thread 139919538800384 after change: arg:3 TLS data=3 4 Thread 139919555585792 before change: arg:1 TLS data=0 0 Thread 139919555585792 after change: arg:1 TLS data=1 2 Main completed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Create/start threads Thread 140450580477696 before change: arg:0 TLS data=0 0 Thread 140450580477696 after change: arg:0 TLS data=0 1 Thread 140450572084992 before change: arg:1 TLS data=0 1 Thread 140450572084992 after change: arg:1 TLS data=1 2 Thread 140450563692288 before change: arg:2 TLS data=1 2 Thread 140450563692288 after change: arg:2 TLS data=2 3 Wait for the threads to complete, and release their resources Thread 140450555299584 before change: arg:3 TLS data=2 3 Thread 140450555299584 after change: arg:3 TLS data=3 4 Main completed
python实现 把上面的例子用python来实现:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 import threadinglocal = threading.local() local.TLS_data1 = 0 local.TLS_data2 = 0 def func (info ): myname = threading.currentThread().getName() local.TLS_data1 = info local.TLS_data2 = info + 1 print ('Thread {0} after change TLS data: {1}, {2}' .format (myname, local.TLS_data1, local.TLS_data2)) t = [0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ] for i in t: t[i] = threading.Thread(target=func, args=[i]) t[i].start() for i, v in enumerate (t): v.join() print ('Thread {0} TLS data: {1}, {2}' .format ("main" , local.TLS_data1, local.TLS_data2))
1 2 3 4 5 Thread Thread-1 after change TLS data: 0, 1 Thread Thread-2 after change TLS data: 1, 2 Thread Thread-3 after change TLS data: 2, 3 Thread Thread-4 after change TLS data: 3, 4 Thread main TLS data: 0, 0
TLS的误区 网上有很多文章误将TLS当成是编写线程安全代码的银弹,其实哪里是这样,这都取决于global variable
TLS适用场景 综上所述,线程本地存储并不是解决多线程变量共享的并发问题,而是限制变量仅在当前线程中可见,可想而知这样带来的好处之一就是线程内各个方法之间不用再通过传参就可以共享变量;另外一个可想而知的使用场景就是可以实现每个线程需要单独拥有一个实例的情况。
还有一个也是wiki 上提到的,就是对一个global variable
进行累加的情况,为了避免race condition
,但也可以使用TLS先在每个线程本地累加,然后再讲每个线程的累加结果同步到一个真正的global variable
Thread-local storage
A Deep dive into (implicit) Thread Local Storage